Friday, October 29, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010


Yes I know I haven't updated in FOREVER!!! I get to go see me new nephew and both neices on Friday and I get to stay the whole week in Colorado!!!! I am more than excited.

Also I still have child care openings for the fall on MWF. I also can watch kids the rest of the summer any day as soon as I get back on the 13th. I can do drop in or whatever u need until school starts. Please let people know or if you hear of anyone looking let me know. Thanks so much!!!

PS Pictures to come as soon as we get back!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hey everyone! I have 2 childcare openings in the summer for children over 2 as well as 2 openings for the fall. Let me know if you are interested or if you know someone who might be. Thanks!!!