Tuesday, June 17, 2008


This years VBS is about creation. TOdays play was awesome. It was all done in blacklight. THe kids laughed sooo much. YOu would have thought some of them would have cried with the lights out but you couldnt hear any crying at all. The girls had a great time. Even though it starts at the age of 3, those of us who teach get to bring our little ones to babysitting. ALthough its not babysitting. They do their own crafts. Allie didnt want to leave with me she had so much fun. Here is a pic of the girls in their VBS shirts that glow in the dark before we left for VBS this morning.


Elizabeth Mullins said...

Cute pics...great job on pressing on after the Challenge!

Lesley said...

Cailey screamed to stay at VBS! I wasnt helping so we left after the play each day- she didnt appreciate that!