Friday, November 21, 2008

The day in review

Madison is home with strep today. 3 other kids in her class have it as well. She has never had it. She missed school yesterday and to think I almost made her go because she didn't have a fever. We got her coat on and she started bawling and asked not to go to school. So I let her stay home because she LOVES school!!! Then I found out one of the other kids had strep and she said her throat hurt really bad. I took her in and sure enough the nurse looks in there and goes YEP! And she said she barely put the swab in and it showed up positive. Madison had to miss her Fall Festival today. She rarely gets sick and when she does it always seems to be on a party day! Another girl (one of her close friends) had to miss school too so we are going to do something special with them when they feel better.
2 doses of antibiotics and she is HYPER girl!!! She is still having a little hard time eating but boy do I wish she could have gone to school!
We are getting a puppy tomorrow from Santa (a little early) tomorrow! The girls are going to spend the night at the in-laws so we can pick it up and surprise them with it. Her name will be Maggie or Molly. Madison loves those names. It is a 6 week old Boston Terrier. I will post pics and hopefully video tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Hope she get so feeling better. Riley had strep a few weeks ago. Not fun.