Sunday, September 7, 2008

The joys of motherhood:)

My poor babie sare sick. Last night they didn't act remotely like they were going to be sick today. Allie threw up at 4 this morning and then it was Madison's turn at 10. They havent thrown up since but they havent eaten anything. Madison asked me earlier if when she feels better can she go back to school. I'm glad she loves it so much:) I hear the stomack bug is already going around. Last year in november is when it got really bad at sonshine school. Any way here are a few picks of my sick babies:)

PS Madison thought it was hilarious that I wasa taking their picture and she kept asking me to look at them:)


The Lj's said...

poor little girls... but they are ever so cute! I hope it is over at your house and you and Robert don't catch it!

Lesley said...

So Sorry! Hope they feel better soon!!